"Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" is the best show on TV! Why? It's simple: imagine five great people who had never known you before, going to your house and changing you from hair to toe! That's exactly what Ted, Thom, Kyan, Carson and Jai do for all the straight guys that come in their ways! Ted (VERY handsome, funny and an excellent cooker!) teaches a guy how to do great things in the kitchen, from complicated fishes and wine qualities to quick drinks and simple food; Thom has an excellent taste and he makes any place, doesn't matter how hideous it might be!, look amazing and sophisticated; Kyan transforms a guy's looks by only giving him a haircut or teaching him how to shave his beard without slitting his throat!; Carson is just amazing, his sense of humour captures everything and his taste on clothing is terrific and very ellegant; and Jai is such a sweet person, and he teaches the guy how to behave either if he's alone with a girl or in front of a huge audience - he's definatelly a 'culture expert'! By saying all this, I can only tell that "Queer Eye for The Straight Guy" is a very funny show, but it's also a very good tool for all of us to know that everybody has flaws, but they can be successfully fixed whenever you decide to - or when the Fab5 knocks at your door! In only one word, this show is... AWESOME!