This is Apple TV+'s first attempt at a documentary styled adventure travel show, and they've certainly gone big with it by taking on the Long Way franchise. The show features actor Ewan McGregor and his friend, Charley Boorman, going on a three-month, 13,000-mile motorcycle trip. Filmed in the fall of 2019, they ride through South America, Central America and Mexico, before finishing up in Los Angeles. The first episode starts slowly but held my attention with Ewan's wonderful, down-to-earth personality. I became even more interested when Harley Davidson stepped up with two prototype, electric "adventure bikes" for Ewan and Charley to take with them on their journey. For the bored and stuck at home, the EV aficionado and the lover of motorbike road trips the series holds a lot of promise, as the two venture through the Andes, Central American rainforests and back to California on fully electric motorcycles, demonstrating innovative engineering ingenuity and filling our empty, wanderlusting hearts with the opportunity to accompany them from our sofas while we wait out the pandemic.