So I LOVED Sex and the City. Got the full box set and still watch it from time to time. It was sharp, sassy, funny and ... aspirational! Sure it was a fantasy life but who wouldn't want a life filled with brunches, fabulous parties, dates with hot guys, the best of friends and did I mention the clothes? And the shoes? It was all fabulous and I have to say, much as I loved it I was a bit apprehensive when I heard they were updating the story. Some things are best left alone.
Let me tell you my fears were more than justified but never did I think they would so completely trash the whole thing. Charlotte, probably my least fave and always a little annoying, is now just unpleasantly pretentious. Carrie still looks great but there is nothing to her, she's a clothes horse and nothing more. Zero depth to her character. Miranda, smart, ambitious, fiesty Miranda is nothing but a hot mess, a hopelessly infatuated groupie who has given up everything for her new lover.
And woke ... so woke it's painful. Every aspect of right-on political correctness, social concern, minority interest group is just crammed in there in the clunkiest most toe-curling way imaginable. The scripts are truly awful, the new 'characters' (I use that word in the loosest sense) all tick one box or another. Oh and the sex- always a big part of the show but somehow before it was so much lighter and more fun - is now so predictable and ... dreary really.
If SATC was aspirational there is absolutely nothing aspirational about this. SATC was the party and this is the mother of all come downs. I rated 2 stars for the clothes but even they arent as fabulous as before.