With a brief run, at the cinema, I was eager to catch this one, when leaving the cinema circuit, and was happy to pay a bit more. I really like the film, but it doesn't constitute for a good movie. I was expecting a more polished good Arthouse quality film. The acting and script are bad, yet the lead is still captivating. Something about him. I really like the independence of our Casey, leaving his small south west Sydney town, and heading for the big smoke after running from a shameful and psychological tragedy. Casey says it how it is, proudly gay, it isn't to soon, before he shacks up with a new lover. Also, weirdly enough, Casey has weirdly never seen the ocean. This guy has a lot of baggage, and we really sympathize with him. He is a very lonely dude. The homosexual scenes are frank, and I warn you, there are a lot, In your face, and heavy, no holding back. The handheld film, has great music, and very clear picture clarity, but in substance and story, rides on too little, with an almost "who cares" attitude for many viewers. Casey's new lover, I kind of found annoying, and obnoxious, but again, frankly opinionated. More so, the disturbing part was the unexpected gang bang scene, near the end, which I found repulsive and disgusting, as the lead gang banger, himself. All in all, entertaining, and different, Lonesome is, but where it travels, is a kind of nowhereverse.