Great job with the commercial fellas. Great production quality. Excellent story. Best looking Captain Jack and totally real. The lighting was also super. I like the locations. Excellent locations. The music was also key. Good sound. I got to meet the Captain Jack from this commercial in person at another gig and the dude is brilliant. I also got to be on set with Johnny Depp for 16 hours this May [2013] as he filmed in the movie TRANSCENDENCE. This Captain Jack, based on my experiences in meeting the two real life people, is spot on to the real Johnny Depp and his portrayal of Captain Jack. Especially the voice. The directing and editing of the Commercial directed by Hans Hernke was a vision that Hans called me about and was super excited to do this project. He made the project happen fast and then he really marketed it well and he is worthy of a major project. Hans is a good guy and can direct an entire project and keep everyone happy. I was at his wedding and it was a kick ass Hollywood celebration that went on for 3 days. I captured it in a 13 hour documentary. The producers of Oblivion starring Tom Cruise were at Hans' Wedding because Hans had an integral Executive Producer position from the very beginning of OBLIVION and he invested from day one. Go Hans go! Aye aye, Captain Jack! You da man! Cheers. Ronald Farnham