From the guy doing the robberies to the people hunting him, all this documentary does is give you an insight into incredible egos of the wannabe criminal mastermind, his clearly easily influenced friends and the FBI agents hunting them.
It goes out of its way to paint a picture of Hollywood as some free spirit who used the money from bank robberies to live a carefree life in his tree house, hanging with friends and writing down his pretentious thoughts in a diary. Just read between the lines when people that knew him talk about him and you'll see a manipulator, not a happy go lucky guy.
The FBI are no better. One of the agents oozes ego that I nearly quite watching over the arrogance. I did this, I did that, I, I, I... Everyone keeps talking about "something horrible was bound to happen" and yet there was not a single hint throughout all the robberies that the pattern was evolving in that way. He intimidated people, tazed someone, but to make a leap that he'd go all out... that's just being generals after the battle.
It would be an interesting documentary if the people it talks about weren't so annoying.