I was lulled into a false sense of security after watching 100 DEGREES BELOW ZERO and AIRPLANE VS VOLCANO, two Asylum-made disaster movies that turned out to be relatively entertaining given the paucity of their budgets. I was expecting more of the same in AGE OF ICE, a disaster flick in which mankind is threatened by a new ice age, but what I got was one of the worst films imaginable.
This is a truly horrible movie and I can't think of a single decent thing to say about it. Gone are the cheesy, over the top effects of the other movies in favour of having a bunch of characters wandering aimlessly through a snowy field. The script was written by somebody with a tin ear, somebody who manages to create a bunch of the most annoying characters and plonk them into the dumbest situations imaginable.
Seriously, these are people you'd never want to go on holiday with. The American characters are racist and obnoxious and the foreigners are just there to get wiped out (apart from the 'token' guy, a decent Jordanian). The character of the wife was the most horrible of the lot, I was praying for her death throughout but no such luck. There are no special guest stars here, just a load of badly-acting nobodies. Barton Bund (who he?) is particularly wooden.
AGE OF ICE's storyline goes nowhere and none of the action has impact or drama. It's just silliness after silliness. Watch out for the worst car accident I've ever seen on film, involving a guy spinning the camera to simulate a car spinning in the air, oh and two or three CGI cars thrown in for good measure. Godawful indeed and it sums up a worthless viewing experience.