On changing Faramir in
El señor de los anillos: Las dos torres (2002) script: "If you're trying to up the
tension, you don't have your main characters captured by someone who
sort of interrogates them, but, not really, who then offers them a cup
of tea and says, 'I'll do anything I can to help you.' It's death on
film. And it's not just the effect that the character out of the book
has on Frodo and Sam's journey, it's the effect that character has on
the Ring. You've just been desperately trying to establish that this is
the most evil thing ever created, it's tearing apart the mind of your
main character, it's reduced this other character to this miserable
creature Gollum, and now you come along someone who says, 'I would not
touch this thing if it lay on the highway.' You've just stripped the
Ring of all its power."