Francis Greenslade
- Reparto
- Guion
- Banda sonora
Francis Greenslade nació el 3 de octubre de 1962 en Honiara, Solomon Islands. Es un actor y escritor, conocido por Winners & Losers (2011), Shaun Micallef's Mad as Hell (2012) y Welcher & Welcher (2003). Está casado con Louise Greenslade desde el 4 de septiembre de 1999. Tienen cuatro niños.
Serie de TV
- Francis Greenslade
- Ian Orbspider
- ABC Sports Correspondent
- Vice Rear Admiral Sir Bobo Gargle
- Leo Hatred
- Sir Bobo Gargle
- Larry Sideburns
- Larry Sidebottom
- Craig Javello
- Enid Swink's Boss
- Cardamom Pye
- Max Payne
- Vice Rear Admiral Bobo Gargle
- Walbin Hecht
- Brian Plate
- Enid Swink
- Grun
- Vice-Rear Cabin Boy Sir Bobo Gargle
- Clockwork Satirists Performer
- Father Brown
- Sister Monica Joan
- 4 Ballast Panellist
- Charlie
- Chief
- Various Characters
- ABC Ombudsman
- AFP Officer
- Avery Capable
- Bishop Straightman
- Bobby
- Captain
- Cardamon Pye
- Carrington Mews
- Coco Bromhead
- Deputy Commissioner Max Payne
- German Soldier
- Hivemindfulness Panellist
- Kev Glower
- Man in Audience
- Matthew Harrison Brady
- Mr Bowers
- Napoleon Bonaparte
- Norm
- Professor Ian Orbspider
- Rear Vice-Admiral Bobo Gargle
- Reg Caruncle
- Vice Rear Cabin Boy Bobo Gargle
- Vice Rear-Cabin Boy, Sir Bobo Gargle
- Vice-Rear Cabin Boy Bobo Gargle
- 4 Balance Host
- ABC Executive
- ABC Fan
- ABC News Chief
- ABC Viewer
- AIS Official
- Abraham Plunket
- Abrahelle
- Acceptable Loss Funerals Spokesman
- Al Poissant
- Alan Parsons
- Allan Goldsby
- Ambrose Flick
- Angus Taylor's Brain
- Antiques Roadshow
- Antiques Roadshow Host
- Ari Leech
- Armantas Kalvitis
- Arnold Boyband
- Arts Minister
- Augustus Gloop
- Australian Taxpayer
- Back Road Character
- Bad Boy Blake Petrov
- Badger McSpoof
- Bar Owner
- Barry Cork
- Benedict Eggs
- Bernie Parish
- Bernie Trout
- Bill Schlitz
- Bill Wonka
- Bin Laden's Neighbour
- Bishop Installer
- Blan Curly
- Blather Host
- Blind Director
- Blindfolded Viewer
- Bluey Curlicue
- Bob Cratchett
- Bob Katter Fan
- Bolvo Primata
- Brackish Fern
- Brett Campervan
- Brian
- Brian Quoll
- Bryan Duckworth
- Bunion Plethora
- Butt Spagg
- Caliope Du Pré
- Camillo Zenobia
- Canvasser
- Capt. Volks
- Captain George Mainwaring
- Captain Scallop's Owner
- Cardinal Makepeace
- Carlos Ant
- Carninal Pell's Assistant
- Catholic Cardinal
- Charles
- Child with Lollipop
- Chinese General
- Chuck Clotting
- Climate Change Authority Worker
- Colin Acid
- Colin Wertheim
- Commander Paul McCartney
- Condescending Pseud
- Cook's Crew
- Coroner
- Craig
- Cribbage Child
- Curtis
- Customer
- Dad
- Damien Scranton
- Dancing Tooth
- Danny Girdles
- Dave
- Delivery Man
- Dept of Education Spokesman
- Derek O'Mg
- Des-Lazlo Clusterbuck
- Detective
- Detective Myron Saltpeter
- Dirdek Colophniak
- Director With a Goat
- Distraction
- Dolores Crean
- Doorman
- Doug Clump
- Dr Gillespie's Spokesperson
- Dr Yuri Andropov Zhivago
- Dr. Albert Cherry
- Dr. Enrico Krull
- Dragon O'Henessy
- Dragon O'Hennessy
- Dudley Sprat
- Dutchie
- Dutchie Van Der Graaf
- Dutchie Wincop
- E. E. Coli
- Edith Swink's Boss
- Emmet Comingle
- Eric Tosca
- Eugene Yacht
- Farmer
- Father
- Flerd De Herd
- Floyd Thurnsby
- Former Saddam Hussein Body Double
- Frances Greenslade in a Wig and Glasses
- Francis
- Gail Bean
- Gareth McTrubador
- Garth Trumble
- Gas Smuggler
- Geordie Keating
- Gerald Stick
- Ghost
- Ghost of Louis XIV
- Gland Paradox
- Glastonbury Chick
- Glenn Fowles
- Gough Whitlam
- Grand Designs Host
- Greek Chef
- Grun - Ricky Muir's Adviser
- Grunt McTeagle
- Guest
- Gunther Howdy
- Hans-Peter Gruber
- Holden Factory Worker
- Hospital Administrator
- Huntley Fink
- Husband
- Ian Drene
- Ian Sapiens
- Ian Schroff
- Ian Smoothie
- Ice Hockey Coach
- Inex Sleaze-Stack
- Investigator
- Jake
- James
- Jasmine
- Jasper Zelwegger
- Jaywalker
- Jean De La Fontaine
- Jeff Hogue
- Jeffy-Weffy Scrubber
- Jerry Ticklish
- Jim Booth
- Joel Plummett
- Johannes Salk
- Judge
- Judge Bent on Revenge
- Keith
- Keith Sodden
- Keith Thox
- Kindly Grandfather
- Lance Bonzen
- Larry Longbottom
- Lenny Dribble
- Leo Bayer Sager-Bayer Sager
- Liam O'Malley
- Malcolm Powder
- Man Pouring a Bucket of Waste
- Man Surprised the ABC Store Disappeared
- Man Wearing a 'Sorry' T-shirt
- Mark
- MasterSurgeon Judge
- Matron
- Mayor
- Maître D
- McDonald's Spokesman
- Media Watch Voice
- Mens Group
- Mick
- Midsomer Murders Man
- Milk Subject
- Mitsubishi Pajero Sport
- Mortimer Cranch
- Motorcycle Gang Member
- Mr Garabaldi
- Mr. Hill
- Mr. Wignall
- Murray
- Napoleon
- Nation Builder
- Neville Bastred
- New South Wales Policeman
- Newspaper Editor
- Nigel Forbes-Bathtub
- Nikolai Orkic
- Nils Chunkudder
- Nod Ogle
- Norville
- Officer
- Old Yoga Guy
- Oleg Artemyev
- Ottoman Turk
- Pablo
- Parmesan Machete
- Peat McGinty
- Peg Strunter
- Phil O'Pastry
- Pinor Rouge
- Plonk McGrundle
- Politician With a Score to Settle
- Postal Worker
- Prince Edward Doco
- Prisoner
- Prof. Craig Javello
- Prof. Dean Oops
- Prof. Ian Orbspider
- Prof. Jasper Pong
- Puffy Kardashian
- Quasimodo
- Quemadero Roaver
- Rain Barometer
- Ramone
- Rear Pretty Officer Bobo Gargle
- Ringo
- Rod Camberly
- Rolf
- Ron
- Ron-Xavier McLeish
- Ronnie Hazelhurst
- Ross Dropsheet
- Runcible Spoon
- Salvation Army Soldier
- School Kids Bonus Ad's Father
- Scott Morrison's Anger Manager
- Scrotie Malmsey
- Seamus Hussey
- Sebastian Munge
- Senior Sergeant Max Payne
- Senior-Sergeant Max Payne
- Serbian Ticket Scalper
- Sgt Deputy Commissioner Max Payne
- Sgt Max Payne
- Shopper
- Simon Frothing
- Sir Henry Parkes
- Sir Humphrey Appleby
- Sister Mary-Jo
- Snr Sgt Max Payne
- Son of ANZAC
- Speedboat Customer
- Sports Commentator
- Sports Correspondent
- Sprod Subject
- Steve McCloud
- Steve McLeod
- Stones McLinty
- Swig Clunkwidget
- Taxi Driver
- Team Albo
- Thorky Footcandle
- Throne Carroway
- Toby Couscous
- Too Cleverman By Half
- Top Cobbler
- Twice Pond
- Ugo Poletti
- Vagrant
- Vice Rear-Admiral Bobo Gargle
- Villain
- WWII Soldier
- Wal Ballet
- Walter
- White South African Farmer
- Wilhelm Scream
- William Wonka
- Willy Manilow
- Winston Niceshirt
- Wise Man
- Wizard of Oz
- WorkSafe Ad Worker
- Zac Frisbee
- Zachariah Frisbee
- Zak Frisbee
- Zark Megalon