Superb cast, and an inspired way to examine the turbulent times and a "what if" situation between two of the world's leading historical figures.
I've always loved movies like this where there are minimal characters in a minimal setting. Most often it's a play that has been transposed to film... I don't know if this ever was a play, but it would transfer well to the stage.
I was in school (west coast of North America) during the 70s so Ireland was prominent in the news, and we covered it in current affairs, but like most school-taught history and history-in-the-making , it wasn't "alive" to kids on the other side of the planet. It's amazing I ever did fall in love with history! In an unrelated moment a few days ago, I discovered on Ancestry that I had some ancient Irish ancestors which I never knew about before. The last couple of days I've been online and on podcasts learning some about the history of Ireland. I've probably learned/*registered* more in the last few days than I ever knew prior. It's fortuitous that I stumbled across this movie on Netflix.
While flipping through Netflix I had gone past a bunch of things I had already seen...and completely forgotten, and I was bemoaning the quality of things available. However, *this* movie I will never forget, and I'm so glad I decided to watch it! I just finished it and I will take some quiet time to think on it some more, as well as both the folly and miracles of flawed humankind.
A beautiful movie, brilliantly constructed. And yes, I was choked up at the end.