I'm not going to lie, from the previews I thought the show was going to be a typical teenage drama, I was pleasantly wrong. Not even ten minutes into the show it got my emotions going and if it weren't for my pride, I probably would've cried. The actors are great and the cinematography is beautiful, it really helps express what the show is trying to do. The writing is pretty good and intriguing. Though the only thing that sucks about the show is some of the reviews on this website that I am going to address.
Fist of all, to those who are complaining about the "political correctness" of the show, this comic book was made for political correctness. The comic book was released during the 80s, a time where the drug problem exploded here in America. The TV show is dealing with the problems of our time, including police brutality, mental health and still drugs even though it is not one of the major issues of the show
Second, for those who complain that it it is different from the comic book, most comic book adaptations are. Though this was adapted to fit in with today's world. At heart, the important things are what is the same.
Third, for this who haven't actually watched it, please watch it and absorb it. It is actually a pretty great show, if you don't let your prejiduce get in the way.