Teenager Aesha is sent from Northern England to a remote bed and breakfast in Kent by her mother for some "head space" but at night a persistent nun keeps knocking on the front door, asking to be let in. The DVD cover has a demonic looking nun standing next to a pair of inverted crucifixes but if you are hoping to see Black Masses and Satanic orgies then you are going to be very disappointed, this is a British slasher movie. And a bottom of the barrel one at that too! I would be polite by calling the acting amateur as most of it is awful, though I did quite like Becca Hirani as leader character Aesha. The script is terrible, there are several scenes in which Aesha talks to the mysterious nun through the front door and these feel like they go on forever, painfully bad to watch. The identity of the killer nun is so obvious and is one of the least convincing maniacs that I have ever seen on film. The continuity is laughably bad. Do not expect a high body count though the kills are fairly nasty. Zero sex or nudity. The creepy musical score is relentless, in some scenes it works, in others it is very overdone. And to top it off the film annoyingly ends with an inconclusive ending. The film itself is rated BBFC 15 but the DVD is 18, this must be due to the trailer for Redcon 1 which features a lot of zombie violence. Looks like Bad Nun aka The Satanic Nun spawned a few sequels, despite my low opinion of this film I will certainly try to track these down for my viewing "pleasure".