Season 2
Before I review series 2 I want to say Romesh is one of my favourite comedians. However, if I may be bold please stick to the comedy, we already have Simon Reeve we don't need a second.
Zimbabwe, this show got away from Romesh his guide was just determined to play the race card throughout and he let her. She displayed a firm opinion on the morality of Cecil Rhodes when she knew nothing about the man and committed the cardinal sin of viewing history through a 21 century liberal prism. This just ruined the show, sorry. I would add practically all we saw of Zimbabwe was nature we wanted to see something interesting.
Mongolia, Romesh really was hysterically funny and he really found his mojo in this show, his asides are what make his brand of humour and this was comedy gold. We were treated to so much detail of Mongolia it was a treat.
Bosnia, Romesh said all he knew about Bosnia was the war the last thing we wanted to see was a programme about the war, mention in passing yes but define the country no. Romesh posed the question can you engage with war as a tourist and yes of course you can we have all been to Berlin. I loved the wine tasting it turned this episode around.
Columbia, it was self evident Columbia had nothing, nothing to offer a tourist and perhaps Romesh should have chosen another destination, Bogota was nothing more than a corrugated concrete slum. Hazel was vacuous. The narco tourism was most interesting but the house we were shown was never finished and never lived in by Escobar. And I want to try the paint balling.