I loved this show while it was on. In the beginning it followed the same premise of Barney Miller depicting the fact that city officials are just people themselves doing a job, but with the incredibly gorgeous Markie Post on the show for every one to drool over, the show became wildly cartoony, illogical and wild while it kept all the straight and contemplative issues that had made it a hit. Post really saved this show with her too perfect to be real figure while she followed the rigid restraints of a nun. John Larroquette was her perfect nemesis as the lecherous but snobbish Dan Fielding and Harry Anderson as the judge with a Peter Pan complex. The supporting staff of Charlie Robinson, Marsha Warfield and the ever likeable Richard Moll also became stars in this incredible show, but it had really lost its steam when Christine lost her virginity to have a baby and Dan found his morals. From there, the show just wasn't as good, and the roller coaster ride, as great as it was, was over.