"Tekkaman Blade II" is a 6-episode anime miniseries from 1994. It takes place in "United Global Year 203". In this world humanity fights off monsters using giant battle suits controlled by "Tekkamen".
My review speaks specifically on the English dub because that is how I first heard about this show. Tara Strong at a comic con was asked, "What is the strangest line you've ever had to say?" And this is the show it came from. It makes sense considering this is a very strange show. It isn't as easy to follow as DBZ nor as kid friendly as most of Hello Kitty's voice acting roles.
Not only do the characters say strange things, but I found myself saying strange things as I watched the show. I was shouting at the screen: "Dude, David, just let Dead die." And that sentence makes perfect sense in context of the show. But people over hearing it thought I was crazy.