"Arzak Rhapsody" was based on the famous comic book hero by Moebius, called 'Arzak'. This miniseries's been directed by the artist too, so i had quite high expectations for this title. Wrong. I shouldn't had.
First of all, the original Arzak comics were 'silent'. no dialogue, no caption boxes, no nothing. On the other hand, the animated version has some quite annoying dubbing voices, whom just don't stop talking. Most stories would be totally understandable without any speech, so i cant see why this was necessary (besides, i don't speak any Latin languages, so i didn't understand a word they said).
Then, the visuals. Instead of the original, crystal-clean lines and smooth colors -both are Moebius's trademarks-, you'll see some badly vectorized, rough mess, with quite tasteless digital colors. I looks somewhat amateurish. Strangely enough, i don't have any problems with the minimalistic animation, for I think it suits these simple little stories well. They should've used a different software for this cartoon, which could animate pixel images too. Even I know some of these programs.
Stories are fun. Surrealistic little sketches, with memorable scenery and characters. It's still Moebius, it cant be that bad.
All in all, more likely a fan art, than a well over-thought adaptation. Even the most die-hard Moebius fans could easily live without this one.