This movie stars the ever reliable Rishi Kapoor along with his Henna costar Ashwini Bhave and the actress who was so ugly she actually had something Varsha Usgaonkar. But the real Jodie of the film is Rishi Kapoor and Kadar Khan. A host of other actors are also in the movie like the underrated but talented Mohnish Behl (son of Nutan). The story revolves around Rishi Kapoor and Varsha who fall in love and get married. Kadar, her dad, doesn't know about this and comes to visit along with his younger daughter Ashwini. Since Rishi stays in the house they tell Kadar that Rishi is Varsha's maid and Kadar stars misbehaving with him while his sister in law falls in love with him. The music by Anand Millind is good with nice songs by Anuradha Paudwal and Amit Kumar