The fact someone even wanted to do a female type Rambo movie with a lesbian character makes me give them kudos for trying.
With a little tweaking, this could have been a pretty good film.
It is sadly lacking in the lesbian department - all we get are a couple of kisses, that's it.
The rest of it is non-stop jungle action.
The heroine, played by Mariel Hemingway, who unfortunately is a bit past her prime, hangs tough and kicks major butt, as well as knowing how to handle a gun.
Jill Bennett is her love interest, and she's attractive and brave, although of course she's not allowed to be quite as brave as Mariel's character.
If only the writers had realized you need some breaks in all that action, at least a few minutes where maybe one woman bandages up the other gal's flesh wound, and then they strip off and go for a nude swim in a jungle pool, and do some making out--it could have gone all the way up to an 8 or 9 star film for me.
The plot, such as it is, concerns the plane the Vice President is on going down in a storm near an island where some mercenaries and rebels have their training camp.
Reality goes out the window from the get-go, because the Vice President has one bodyguard, Mariel Hemingway. She may be as tough as a battalion of Marines, but people like Vice Presidents always have dozens of secret service people with them everywhere they go.
They're still struggling ashore when they come under attack by the militant operation on the island, after that it's just action, action, and still more action.
I gave it 6 stars out of 10. I suppose it didn't deserve it, but positive lesbian films come along so rarely, I like to encourage them.