This comment is somewhat of a rebuttal against another viewer's comment.
I've read some comments by others that degrade this episode, but I love it. It's warm, unique, and shows a change in the way House views the world.
Cuddy also steps up to the plate in this episode; while House gives up the case of mother and child for lost (the mother won't have an abortion to save her own life -- we all know that House is extremely pro-choice) when no other solution can be found. Cuddy sees herself in the middle-aged woman who is trying for the last time to have a child, and so Cuddy won't give up. She tells herself to "think like House," illustrating that she is not using her own methods, but those of House. I think that under any other circumstances, Cuddy doing House's job would be tacky, but it works in this episode; Cuddy is fighting very hard for a cause she believes in -- having a child when it's "too late."
I recommend this episode highly to any House fan. I keep this on my DVR and watch it occasionally. I'm the kind of person who doesn't like to watch things more than once, so that is saying something for me to hang on to it.