Thor: Tales of Asgard (2011) is a movie I recently rewatched on Tubi. The storyline follows a young Thor and Loki as they're coming of age and starting to earn the opportunity to go on adventures. They stowed away on their first journey to recover a sacred sword and quickly learn the importance of following the rules, respecting others and how things can go terribly wrong if you act before you think.
This movie is directed by Sam Liu (Batman: The Killing Joke) and contains the voices of Matthew Wolf (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo), Rick Gomez (Sin City), Tara Strong (Fairly Odd Parent) and John Novak (War).
The animation in this is excellent, as are the settings, universe and characters. Seeing Loki and Thor young, getting along and working together was fun to see. The storyline has some good twists and turns and the conclusion is very good.
Overall this is a very enjoyable, fun and a great depiction of the Asgard universe. I'd score this a 7/10 and strongly recommend it.