I wasn't sure what to expect firing up the Librarians. It's got some elements of Dr. Who (sci fi), Indiana Jones(adventure), and Harry Potter in it (magic). Sound ambitious? Well not really. The show is extremely light hearted to a point it hurts the shows potential.
I guess the best thing you can say about The Librarians is it knows what it wants to be. A family show aimed at younger teens but with witty enough writing adults will get a few kicks out of it as well. There are some educational tidbits thrown in regarding science and mythology. Also not one sexually charged joke or innuendo yet regarding its attractive female cast. Gotta give it points for that.
No show starts out great. The Librarians has laid a foundation to be pretty good if it can explain its story lines a little clearer, and show more human side to these characters than just the adventure side. Right now I'll give it a generous 7/10 rating.