There are plenty of things you can count on when it comes to a Marvelous M show. There will be M in countless hats (so many hats! so much variety!). There will likely be Surge, or some form of soda. There will be lots of screaming. There will be Apple Loops from 2007. There will be images of Ernest P. Warrell hidden in the background. It moves quickly, and you will very likely be entertained, or at least enthralled.
As a creator, I'm always amazed at the quantity of work that Mr. Marvelous produces. In many ways, this show is such a testament to never giving up, to always being creative, to always trying to do better, do more, to keep the momentum.
Anyone with that kind of drive is going to make things happen. If you have a chance to watch the show, do it - you're the part of the start of something special.