I liked the premise of The Inheritance and therefore hoped for an original flick with some decent scares or at least an interesting story. Pretty much immediately we are thrown into the basic setup of the movie. The four estranged children of Billionaire Charles Abernathy have to make sure that he will survive the night because apparently someone or something is coming to kill him. It sounds a little stupid but also intriguing at the same time. After the premise was set, we get to know each of the characters. They are stereotypical, annoying and even a little bit insufferable. Obviously as the narrative progresses the first bodies are found and the movie almost lost all my interest. Like I said the characters are dull and the actors were probably more focused on their paycheck then the actual role. However towards the end, the movie gets a little bit more interesting. Once more is revealed to the audience and you get a look at some pretty decent looking effects and the actual threat, the movie goes from poorly executed and boring to a rather interesting setup. But sadly this moment comes way too late and shortly after the end credits roll. If the movie would have been more like the last 15 minutes it certainly could have had the potential to entertain more, but sadly that is not the case and the audience has to endure the first 60 minutes. The movie basically had the potential and I feel like in a few years this could deserve a remake with a bigger budget and more experience behind and in front of the camera. [5,2/10]