George Sanders is my favorite saint. But some of the movies are a bit weak, usually the plot.
In this movie, the plot is about as good as you can expect from the RKO saint movies. It mostly makes sense, unlike some of them.
Paul Guifoyle (sp?) is back in this one, and that's a good thing. I really enjoy his comedic style at times. It's hard not to smile at his funny expressions and mispronunciations (does anyone else wonder where the gangster henchman habit of butchering pronunciations came from?)
Wendy Barrie is not too bad. I wish she had better lines or something, but it's not bad.
The usual Fernack(sp?) is present, and again, that's a good thing. I feel he should be a bit brighter given that he's a police detective, but I guess the dumb cop/detective is an old stereotype. Anyway, the saint is a bit like Bugs Bunny where his superiority is contrasted to idiots - so again, a tried and true stereotype.
As I say, this is one of my favorites. It's light, it moves right along, has the comic elements and the entertaining Sanders as saint.