Ladies and gentlemen here it is...the worst horror movie ever made! The genius behind this movie is that it is literally so utterly terrible, that it's good! This film NEVER takes itself too seriously, just look at who is playing the lead character...Frosty the Snowman himself Mr. Jackie Vernon (or as he is more commonly known old "Mush Mouth") How can anyone be terrified by this man? This film has some of the tackiest, most outlandish scenes ever recorded on film. From the outrageous scene at the fast-food drive in to the woman being placed between 2 of the largest slices of bread I have ever seen! The acting is awful, the effects are hideous and the jokes are lame but all of this adds to the chaotic fun that is known as "Microwave Massacre". You have been warned, this is the most awesomely bad movie in cinema history...but also the most it with some sort of chemical assistance, trust me it helps!