If you're as old as I am you may remember not only comparisons to FRIENDS and THE GOLDEN GIRLS, but this sitcom was also called 'a black version of DESIGNING WOMEN' by critics and viewers. OMG!! I know we're supposed to be living in a color-blind society denying that any current racism still exists, but this is ridiculous. And you all are carping about the 'unrealistically luxurious apartments' of these girls because...? How many hundreds of sitcoms are produced in Hollywood (and set in New York) every year which feature swanky apartments that no one with an annual salary of less than $200,000 can actually afford? Nobody questions why the out-of-work actor or the struggling chef on FRIENDS are in the huge apartments they're in. Black professionals do exist, even in the make-believe world of sitcom television. I thought this series was a charmer; if it was guilty of anything negative it was its initial presentation of all-men-as-neanderthals during the first season. It was allowed (after a fashion) to flourish and find its audience and in that time it even started to give shape and background to its core characters- not to mention allowing them to advance (in the way of job promotions, romances, breakups, and even a wedding). I never thought it ended satisfactorily, but I'm happy for the five years FOX allowed it on the air. Considering that it preceded FRIENDS on the air by one year, should we conclude that FRIENDS was a white version of LIVING SINGLE?