The early 90's were a different time. 'Sweating Bullets' was kind to remind you that all one really needed to be happy was a cold beverage, nice scenery and some beautiful women. A little mystery and a catchy theme song didn't hurt neither. The tropical style of the fictional Key Mariah, Florida where the show is situated and the lead duos chemistry are largely responsible for the show's charm.
Private investigator Nick Slaughter (Rob Stewart) is a likable guy. He wears his shirt open to the heat, spots a ponytail and usually has a one liner ready to go given the right circumstances. While fierce redhead Sylvie Girard (Carolyn Dunn) served as his assistant. The management, the brains of the operation and just simmering with sexual tension between the two.
The plot from episode to episode was a pretty straightforward. Bad guys were typically pretty obvious and crimes always fell under the umbrella of what a PI would be hired to do. Find someone, investigate a disappearance, murder, help a friend or the local PD. Aside from the odd betrayal stories were somewhat predictable, but enjoyable. Occasional explosion, gunfight or fisticuffs mixed in with sometimes cheesy drama.
You can catch quite a few actors (predominately Canadian) doing guest spots on this show. Harking back to the show's roots - there's some tacked on silliness about Nick being both ex-DEA / ex-RCMP - but don't give it much thought. Initially shot in Mexico featuring supporting faces such as John David Bland, Pedro Armendáriz Jr and Eugene Clark was the show at its peak IMO. A relic of a day gone by, 'Sweating Bullets' is forever engrained in my memories.