Enjoy the acting of Gwyneth Paltrow, (Abby Janello) who plays the role of a woman who lost her husband in a plane crash and is struggling with her love for him and the big hole it has left in her heart. She tries to establish herself in a business with the help of her mother in order to support her two young children. In a very mysterious way this has effected the live of Buddy Amaral, (Ben Afflick) who met Abby's husband at O'Hare Airport in Chicago and had a few drinks with him and offered him his tickets on the plane he was scheduled to fly out on. Buddy Amaral has had a drinking problem and went into rehabilitation, however he was haunted by a horrible thing he caused Abby Janello and followed his 12 Step Program in AA to make amends to any person you hurt while you had been drinking. It is from this part in the story that makes it very interesting with dramatic and heartbreaking events. Excellent film and great entertainment. Enjoy