I watched this show when I was much younger, 10 or maybe 11. I always loved the show and found it really funny, although watching it now (8 years on) I know there's a lot in it I probably didn't get back then. Either way, it taught me a lot about life in a way that made me want to listen. I really believe I'm a better person for watching this show when I was young - that may be a bit deplorable but there you go. I can't believe they took it off the air! I blame that for the corruption of todays youth =P
things the show taught me about: mean people, racism, homophobia, sex, STDs,alcoholism, animal cruelty, transsexuals, homelessness, leukaemia, relationships, prejudice, exorcism, that overweight people have feelings too, working, teen marriage, that sometimes conjoined twins might want to stay attached, about chickens, pregnancy, adoption, substance abuse, blackmail, ulterior motives........and the list goes on
even if it had taught me nothing I'd still have loved this show - maybe even just for Mary cherry =D
it annoyed that there was the 'in group', who were meant to be superficial and uncaring and the 'out group', supposedly the opposite. But the two groups were exactly the same. perhaps this was the point, i don't know.
next, the one character who was supposed to be individual because that's just who she really was was actually just trying to be different because she couldn't be popular or to seek revenge for petty stuff. i always hated her. but couldn't help but be mesmerised because she's beautiful
lastly, a really petty point - by the end everyone gets along. real life isn't like that. unkind people usually stay unkind. it shows kids the truth about so many aspects of real life and then goes and does that.....shocking.
the reasons it didn't get a 10