I've watched this movie since I was really young, i never really knew a lot of what was going on at the time but it's always a great watch. It has a lot of nostalgia tied to it and it's story is actually pretty good for something based on something as arbitrary as hotwheels cars.There's a few issues mainly with some of the animations and the dialogue but the movie was made in 2003 with 3D rendering that probably was a bit to get used to especially for a movie about Hotwheels cars. that aside it doesn't remove really a whole lot from the film itself. The main story is really great, the action is fast paced how much of racing should be and it really does well with the characters where a lot of them are extremely likable. It even has some great visuals with the orange colored track similar to what hotweels sets used and the acceleration wheels which they also used. It's also an entertaining watch and is worth giving it a try even with it being as old as it is.