As a Christmas calendar, this has very little to do with Christmas, but it has just enough mentions of it to convince you that it is in fact a Christmas calendar. It's kind of more anti-Christmas than Christmas. It has a lot of what Americans would call "R-rated material", and it has a thoroughly adult tone. The humor is somewhat aggressive and provocative, just as Anden's humor always is. Some people will definitely be offended, but I'm sure that just as many people will love it, just as I did. The plot is pretty good, but is honestly a bit repetitive in a few of the episodes, but nowhere near as much as Christmas calendars usually are. The comedic timing is nearly always perfect, there are times where fans of Anden will laugh for up to half a minute or more, at just one great joke. The comedy is laugh-out-loud material for fans of Anden, most of the time. The acting is all good, as it is the multi-talented Anden who plays most of the roles himself. In fact, he plays about 15 characters or voices all in all, and he portrays each of them perfectly. The characters are all well-written, they mostly rely on stereotypes, but that's pretty much the point, as that's what Anden relies some of his humor on, especially in this one. The "special effects" in this, I have to mention, are pretty good, when I found out that Anden was playing all the characters at once, I was excited to find out how they handled having him appear on-screen as two or more characters at once. It looks very good, and very convincing. All in all, this is the most entertaining, most funny and most interesting Christmas calendar that I've ever seen, and I've definitely seen my share. Running at just over 4 hours, all the episodes put together, it's an incredibly funny, very anti-Christmas, while still being reasonably Christmas-like, Christmas calendar packed full of controversy, contemporary social satire, stereotypes and Anden's personal brand of humor. I recommend this to all fans of Anden, and it helps to have a decent knowledge of contemporary politics and the likes. 9/10