Nearly all girls like the fairy tale of Cinderella and her prince. An interesting fact is East Asian girls don't like the prince who is amazingly nice throughout the story. Instead, they want the prince to change for them. They would be really happy if the prince became maturer because of them. If you didn't understand this, the change of Mr Darcy in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin was a perfect example.
You can find those traits in so many East Asian drama, movies and manga, for example, Princess Hour, Itazura Na Kiss, A Love So Beautiful and etc. Be careful, those princes don't have to be rich to be considered as a prince. A "prince" is just a representation of a guy that made girls feel he is superior in some perspectives to them.
The mange Hana Yori Dango is a perfect example of an East Asian fairy tale. That's why you can so many drama, film versions of this story. In my opinion, this Japanese version is the best of all, after watching other versions. Other versions all had some weakness, either lack of money to show luxury or the screenwriter didn't understand the essence of the manga, so he or she turned the story into a boring love story.
This drama is a perfect example of turning a manga into a drama. I never realized how good this drama was when I watched it more than 40 times in one summer until I read the manga a few weeks before. This drama followed the story of the manga, but the screenwriter slightly changed the timeline. It worked so well in this drama.
The screenwriter of this drama was definitely a genius at crafting the characters, especially in terms of Makino's family. When I was reading the manga, I felt Makino's dad and mom was terrible. But the screenwriter turned them into two cute, lovely parents.
Another character modified so well in this drama was Hanazawa Rui. The screenwriter smartly deleted the basketball race, which really changed the impression of him being a manipulative playboy.