Well sometimes people miss understand a piece of art completely. For commercial reasons this is if a product is labeled not exactly what it is really containing. Call it action and it gives you a market for example. Other example, "The Wrestler". For some folks, younger folks maybe it is an action movie defined by the fighting components. For me as an elder man this components are part of the story but not the story itself. Just decoration and necessary to tell the real story. I watched "Nitro" by coincidence. Some of this funny Canadian variations of US mentality. I thought. Let's waste some time and watch it. Tarantino is named here. I as European will never understand this director and his art as an US American understand it. For me his kind of art is not really necessary. For me "Nitro" has nothing to do with this. Like "The Pet" has nothing to do with sex, bondage, S/M or anything porn. The film smashed my easy watching attempt completely. It is a very very hard story told in a surprising way. But i could stand it, was not forced to switch off. Cause also for me it's a story about love. And it's limitations. The limitations of our human existence. Whom do we really love, other persons or ourself? What is our struggle for, to help beloved persons or to cover our needs and pain? It's a film about the absolutely tragedy of some people linked by love or what they believe love is. Without any terms of religion. A story of loosen souls shifting around in a world they can't stand. A story of how to accept what you can not accept, death. And a very sad story, stays there anything left of their love? A movie that ask questions and leave them open. A very unusually movie.