A fateful meeting with a mysterious stranger inspires Pee-wee Herman to take his first-ever holiday in this epic story of friendship and destiny.
This movie is not going to knock your socks off, and it never quite reaches the level of "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure", but it is still a fun movie with plenty of interesting characters and situations. If this film is as successful as it seems to be (the reviews are generally positive), I hope they get another one going soon. With Judd Apatow and Paul Rust on board, Pee-Wee is back! I did find it interesting that they kept the celebrity factor rather low. With the names attached, they could have had an endless stream of celebrity cameos, but it was minor. More or less, it was a string of actors who are better known for their faces than their names. (Many times throughout the film I had to look up different actors to make the connection, such as Farmer Brown being the same actor who played Ted's father in "Bill and Ted".)