This is a self funded, incredibly short, animated film by Hiroshi Harada. Knowing that this movie was completely self funded and self animated going in would have gave me a greater appreciation for it while watching it. The animation is incredibly choppy, and a lot of the voice acting isn't very good, but this is a movie that was basically created by one man. Given these circumstances, it turned out incredibly well. It is beautifully drawn, and its surreal atmosphere kept me engaged. Its an interesting story that could really be great if it was given an actual budget and a team of animators. But nobody funded it due to its graphic nature, and that really sucks, because it would have been really good. Even Harada's independent version got censored due to graphic depictions of child rape, and that's a shame too, he put effort in to it and that effort should be seen. Its not as though it presented the rape in a pornographic fashion. There's numerous goro manga's getting released, most of them presented as erotic, but this gets cut when it actually wants to show this material for what it should be shown as, horror. This is something with great potential that was overlooked due to its content, it could have had fleshed out characters, beautiful animation, a compelling story and a great message, but nearly all of that was lost due to the constraint of one man working on it. All of this aside, if its taken as it is, without consideration of the circumstances of its creation, its a decent little animated film with some memorable imagery, a surreal atmosphere, and cool music.