Tess Nolan: I look like I haven't slept in a week. Tonight, after work, I'm going straight home to bed.
Kenny Battaglia: Okay.
Tess Nolan: Yeah, you say that. Then, I get a call at two in the morning.
Kenny Battaglia: It's not my fault you don't have any willpower.
Tess Nolan: Oh, you think you're that good, huh?
Kenny Battaglia: Well, the record speaks for itself, Nolanski.
[they kiss; Tess laughs]
Kenny Battaglia: You know, I've been thinking?
Tess Nolan: Yeah?
Kenny Battaglia: Yeah, maybe we can simplify this a little. I mean, you could take Seth up on his offer. Come work for us at the loft. You get to see my smiling face every day.
Tess Nolan: Yeah, sure. I will take another job so it'll be easier for me to have sex with my boyfriend.