Big time scripted show. but what bothers me are the high amount of inaccuracies from their EXPERTS. BTW, anytime there's a side interview, it's scripted. lets see, X and Y are happening, so lets stop filming to get a side interview with them to find out what everyone is thinking. often times the actors are in different cloths. i'm not entirely sure but the the majority of the items they auction i've seen in other reality shows. not much originality but again, the inaccuracies from their experts are the worse, did the writers do their research or are they just winging it? i paid attention in school. it kiinda bothers me that programming like this program shows the world how bad our education system is. perfect example, and not part of this show but a friend of mine, after seeing a program on the HISTORY channel was taught that the British were the only people in history to have long bows. i mean REALLY ? and he believed it because it was on the history channel. take the program for what it is, entertaining but the facts take with a grain of of salt