The L.A. Complex follows the lives of twenty-somethings living in the same apartment complex in L.A (The Lux, inspired from the real life Highland Gardens). trying to make it as actors, dancers, producers and comedians. Relationships begin and end, the need to succeed is tested and all characters are pushed to their breaking points.
I have to admit, I wasn't expecting much out of the series at first. The premise (and title) seemed similar to the outlandish show Melrose Place. But, I was quite impressed. The Pilot well shot and was successful in creating an ideal mix of wit, drama and scandal with an excellent pace(and a good cliff hanger). And more importantly (to me at least) the characters were likable. Raquel (played by the great Jewel Staite) was probably my favourite character as the street-smart veteran of the Hollywood scene, followed closely by Abby (played by Cassie Steele) who shines as an endearing aspiring actress. The rest of the cast/characters was also quite good (although I wasn't a huge fan of Nick despite the charming Joe Dinicol) What truly surprised me about the show was the great amount of realism infused. Produced by the makers of the Degrassi franchise (hailed as being one the most realistic teenage dramas) it was probably inevitable that the characters career struggles are true and quite representative of those in L.A.
Overall it's a slick project that allows viewers to experience vicariously the economic and emotional decisions of these wonderful characters. I know I'll be tuning in next week.
My only great complaint: 6 episodes? REALLY?