I had a very difficult time getting through this movie. First it was slow and uninteresting, standard french slums with people constantly cursing, smoking weed and quite a nonsensical overacting throughout the entirery of the movie. Somewhere in the middle of the movie, especially when they are going through that corridor, is full of screaming, a good 10 minutes mindless scene. For whatever reason, that screaming with fading to black and still hearing screams left a bitter feeling for the rest of the movie for me, but that's not all, screaming continues and it never ends. I actually fell a sleep at 1 hour of the movie and continued watching it after 3 days.. I would not recommend this movie to a friend but if you really don't have better things to do and you are bored out of your mind, maybe you could watch this movie while doing something else like writing this review or watching something else at the same time on your phone.