Apparently Secret Warriors is now a thing and likely to spawn a spew of new movies and a television series. Essentially it's Marvels answer to Teen Titans and I'm not impressed.
To be fair I'm not exactly the demographic, but it's not who you'd expect either.
The main problem is that it's so kiddish, and as Marvel/Superheroes have evolved so far and gone beyond Saturday morning cartoons I feel this is a step backwards. It doesn't need to be R rated, but a happy medium would have made considerably more sense.
Here we see the most modern version of Ms.Marvel teaming with Squirrel Girl to take on the bad guys and form the titular team. The animation is lazy, the plot is generic and it's all so damn childish.
To its credit it is bringing some lesser to known characters into the spotlight and pushing Captain Marvel further in as she'll be an integral part of the MCU. Also the voice talent though not great is at least consistent as we have several people playing characters they've played before such as Agent of Shields own Chloe Bennet playing Quake again.
I see what they're doing here, I just don't think they've done it very well. It's full of moral messages and that's great, it has it's heart in the right place. But as a franchise? I'm unimpressed.
The Good:
Strong morale code and messages
Some of the logic behind this makes sense
The Bad:
Some horrid animation
That soundtrack, really?
Too much silliness
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
Squirrel Girl is approximately 50% adorable and 50% annoying