The Fame Game tells the story of the most popular actress India, Anamika Anand (played by Madhuri Dixit) who is living two lives - one of a superstar and one of a dedicated wife, mother, friend, mentor and a loner, who is forced to make choices. The main event triggers when the India's most loved star disappears all of sudden and neither her family nor her friends have any clue about it. What follows next is the hunt, investigation and interrogations which includes dark secrets and fantasies of the superstar and her beloved people.
The Fame Game, kind of, pays tribute to the shining star in every possible way by breaking into her song, Chane Ke Khet Mein, or divulging into her scene from her previous films. This will definitely be a treat to her fans.
Unfortunately, the web series starts of well but loses the focus later with wafer-thin script which could have been sharper and convincing in this eight episode glamour drama. The editing should have been tighter with few episodes trimmed down to make it a better watch. Even though the cracks start appearing in the plot, the performances of the actors will keep you hooked coupled with grandeur sets, astounding back ground score and above all - Madhuri Dixit
The Fame Game belongs to the epitome of talent, Madhuri Dixit, who shines bright in each and every scene that will make you fall in love with her.