The Crater Lake Monster is a 1970's monster themed b-movie but alas not one of the better ones.
It tells the story of a meteor that awakens something ancient beneath a lake which proceeds to chomp on the locals.
I was drawn to the movie because of the cover art but shortly into the film you'll realise that it's not being entirely honest with you.
The movie itself looks and sounds great, in fact I was stunned to discover that it's as old as 77 so for that it gets a remarkable thumbs up. The SFX however leave a lot to be desired even for it's time. The "Monster" looks like it's straight out of Jason & The Argonauts movie (The original ones) and for that reason it's very hard to take seriously.
One stand out part of this film is a couple of comedy characters who actually make the film somewhat watchable to a degree. I actually laughed but was frustrated that even the dreadful finale had to screw that up.
With more plot holes than you can shake a stick at this should have been better but poor writing and laughable sfx ruined it.
The Good:
Some oddly good comedy
Looks ahead of its time
The Bad:
SFX are unintentionally funny
Cover is deceptive
Weak finale
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
Bray Wyatt has come a long way
Stars are easier to see during the day
Dying underwater will cause your blood to teleport onto your boat