Are you tired of the mid-summer reruns? Well here's a mid-summer debut which begs for your attention! She Spies stars Natasha Henstridge from the Species films as Cassie, Kristen Miller as D.D.,and Natashia Williams as Shane. The trio are ex-cons given an opportunity to serve their country as spies. You might think this one's been done before, but some different ingredients have been thrown into this stew! The show is a definite take on McG's Charlie's Angels (with Carlos Jacott playing Jack- a version of Bosley in Angels' lore) but the quirkiness and the fast-paced writing style seem to reflect early Ally McBeal. Sexist comments and "cartoon reactions" run rampant in this show, which might remind many of us of the early days of Ally. In an effort to stay alive on the network, it cracks jokes and makes fun of itself, which could either be a self-defense mechanism or a clever new technique. The way I see it, I believe the show is very entertaining and should be given a chance for permanent network residency, despite the mid-summer debut.