At first look I thought this was going to be awful - the look of the animation is pretty much as you'd see in a computer game. However, within 2 minutes my 3 year old daughter and I were hooked. Motion capture techniques really bring the animation alive - it's done by Weta, who did the Lord of the Rings CGI so you know it's going to be expressive, though of course it's not got the LOTR budget, hence the computer game look.
The script is full of dry humour - especially Dragon - which makes this entertaining for parents as well as kids. The stories have morals of sorts, but not in a Disney-like "hit 'em over the head with it" way. The characters are diverse and well observed - the king winds me up, but I think he's kind of supposed to.
Check it out on Milkshake on C5, weekend mornings at the moment. I don't know if it will come out on DVD in the UK in the near future, if at all. However, go to the ABC Australia shop (google "Jane and the Dragon DVD" to find it) and you can buy there for the equivalent of about £13.50 per DVD of three episodes incl. postage. There are two available at the time of writing.
Fabulous and highly recommended, though I have to admit my wife loathes it!