Ignore the Bordain comparison because this is a different personality and approach. Stanley lived in Florence with his family while young and is fluent in Italian. He knows what he's talking about. He has found some great chefs and regions to focus on and while I do agree that Parts Unknown were more entertaining from a cultural aspect this show is about the food. Tucci is not there to make friends and win hearts he focuses in history and simple recipes often. His voice is soothing and the show is relaxing while informative. When I learn new things about Italian cooking, after having watched pretty much every show out there, then I'm happy.
This is worth your family's time and it's well done. CNN nice job. Tucci nice job. Italy is a beautiful place that lives off of its food, who wouldn't appreciate this show highlighting such a simple concept?
Edit: so sad to hear this show was canceled today. Show business is tough but my family is thankful for Stanley and the production crew for what they presented. The two seasons we got were amazing. We hope this show is resurrected soon on a different network. Thanks Stanley, Italy shined with your help!