"Beyond the Farthest Star" is an insightful, mesmerizing story that centers on the Wells family. Each struggle with resentment and bitterness that threatens to destroy their family...and the emotions intensify following a move to the small town of Leonard, Texas. BTFS has universal themes that speak to all people and effectively weaves the idea that there is hope in spite of physical or emotional scars. This richly layered story shares a raw honest portrayal of transformation and restoration after hidden secrets are revealed and healing is allowed to begin. Elements of suspense, romance, and political intrigue are combined with multi-dimensional characters to present an escalating tension that intensifies to an explosive climax, and, ultimately, to a satisfying conclusion.
When "Beyond the Farthest Star" was in theaters, I was able to see it several times and was riveted to the screen each time as I picked up nuances missed before. The story is fascinating and the actors do an incredible job of making their characters come to life on screen. This film also inspired a novel by Bodie & Brock Thoene, a Kinkade painting, and a new arrangement of "Beauty For Ashes" by Crystal Lewis. I am thrilled that it is coming to DVD so I can have a copy of my own and can share it with family and friends who missed it in theaters. Not for younger kids, but I highly recommend this movie for 13 and up!