This movie is immensely charming and has intoxicating energy from beginning to end. It's seriously, not ironically, one of my favorite films now. I have never laughed this hard at a movie this frequently in my whole life.
This movie was made on a microscopic budget in a third world country in which the director got his whole community involved in production. He sold everything he owned to purchase his camera and built his own PC out of old parts for editing. What came together is a film that's completely aware of it's limitations and runs with it the whole way through with spectacular results. The movie is accompanied by a joke narrator of sorts who is basically just riffing the movie, and it makes the entire experience a riot. I can't wait to watch this with my friends and have an absolute ball with them.
In spite of this movies obvious limitations the director is also impressively competent for receiving so little training in the field he has never even stepped into a movie theater. There were shots in this movie that genuinely impressed me with their creativity and composition (if I make a live action film I might rip some of these ideas off). The film has expansive lore with memorable characters, the best being the leader of the Tiger Mafia, Richard, who is a diabolical and conniving leader whom no one in the movie can intimidate. Not only that, but the action choreography is damn impressive. the stuntman in this movie were self taught kung fu and compete in local tournaments, and you can certainly tell. They know how to take falls, they know how to fake being hit, and the character this movie dubs as "the Ugandan Bruce Lee" is demonstrably strong as hell. I'd love to see both this director and these stuntman be given a larger budget, possibly of Hollywood proportion. The way the kung fu scenes are shot are well done too: they show every hit and it's impact in the same shot, really allowing the choreography to shine (compare that to modern Hollywood where it cuts on every hit so it's impossible to tell what's going on).
All in all, this is a film well worth funding, but the director has such a big heart he lets you download and watch it for free on his website. Please check it out and show your friends, it's a gut wrenchingly funny romp that is the perfect kind of ridiculous with glimmers of talent that shine through the limitations of the budget. And ultimately it's so touching to see this passionate village give this movie their all.