This Indie movie hopefully won't confuse anyone simply because it concerns superheroes, it is definitely on the small-scale and personal side. That does not mean it is a bad movie and it uses the superhero genre to explore different sides of personal relationships, but if you are expecting epic action to any degree then look away.
There are probably other ways you could have told this story, but the colourful costumes and dry wit of the situations work well together and creates an enjoyable atmosphere. Perhaps the best part of the superhero structure used here is that the main character's confusion over his own identity. Not only is it compelling, but it makes him diverse and both likable and dislikeable at the same time, avoiding the trap of creating a bland avatar or annoying totem to preach from.
Overall this is an enjoyable movie that is hard to classify as any one genre, I will say that there is more romance and comedy than drama or action, although it has smatterings of all four. I would recommend this movie for a casual watch as it is enjoyable, but doesn't really have any stand-out moments to make you rush out and see it right away.