I'm not going to lie and tell you that this is the next hollywood blockbuster. It ain't. But in TodayWorld, that is a GOOD thing. I would probably give this six stars, but I added the extra star to counteract the overly critical reviews.
The movie poster is a stylized, 80's flick representation of what this strives to be. The whole vibe of this movie is that of a 1980's video game live-action recreation. If you like "Evil Dead," you will probably like this. If your taste in what constitutes "good" includes anything made in the past twenty years.. you might be better of skipping this. It wasn't made for you.
There are some inconsistencies. The girl claims that she got up at 8:30 and went out and picked up coffee, yet she's still in her pajamas. Sammy gets to the office, sits down has his coffee and immediately him and Ash decide to go home to his place. He JUST got to work and now it's already night time? And oh my gosh, that "strip club." Granted my experience with strip clubs is zero, but I do know enough to know that this ain't it. This is a basement converted to a party scene. Sammy is all of, what? Thirty? Yet he tells Ash that his wife was killed 7 years ago and they were married for 4 years. That means that he was married 12 years ago. I don't know... the math just ain't mathin'.
Even with all of that, my wife and I still enjoyed this. Of course, we don't take everything too seriously, so...
Sammy is not really "hunter material." Ashley is the main hunter here. She's a little bit of a thing, so I'd call her "fun sized." She cute and plays her part well.
The lighting is amazing. Compared to ModernDayFaire... this was a cinematic masterpiece when it comes to lighting! The acting was pretty good for a sub-B movie. The plot was pretty much standard faire.
All in all, unless you take yourself too seriously, you'll enjoy this.