just watched this on Amazon prime, because I'm running out of things to watch. I would say this is a Seth Rogan film if it wasn't for the fact he ain't in it. This is no compliment, if your a Seth rogan fan then you'll probably think it's OK. The characters are so one dimensional they could be served with paper cut outs The acting has been criticised, I honestly don't think the actors or their acting was too bad, it's a weak film and as the saying goes you can't polish a t**d. The storyline has the typical "sethroganesq" stoner screw up guy, who keeps failing at all things in pursuit of weed, a disappointed dad who not only appears to be only ten years his senior for the nearly thirty something stoner living life as though he's 17 (hence the repeating Seth rogan references (did I say that I don't think Seth rogan should be allowed in front of a still camera never mind a movie camera) I got about an hour into the film when I found myself making use of the skip 10 seconds facility that Amazon provides, then I asked myself why I was wasting my valuable 4am time of insomnia on this when there's a bathroom floor I could be scrubbing or ironing that could be done...anything that would mean I don't have to waste my life on this film. That said I pity the actors and crew that probably wasted a lot more than one hour making this drainage. So, to end, I recommend the writer or final script editors that put this together as a script go back to Taco Bell and start wiping down the tables where they belong. Please send a cheque to compensate me for my time. It is in the interest of humanity I have bothered to take further time to write this review...may the Lord have mercy on your souls. Avoid this film, and avoid any film the writers make...note to self make a mental note of their names, wait don't risk forgetting...get a tattoo Jazz Kalkot and Tom Moris...you...you are to blame...don't go trying to pin it on the actors.